No Matches
Docker Installation

Table of Contents

(re)build image

‍until we provide a docker image to be pulled :)

  1. clone this repository and perform install from sources
  2. build gulp image
docker build --rm --tag gulp:latest --ssh default .
# or rebuild adding the --no-cache flag
# docker build --rm --no-cache --tag gulp:latest --ssh default .


‍using default docket-compose, you should provide your own ...

# create configuration from template, if needed
# NOTE: elastic_url, postgres_url, path_certs will be overridden by environment variables set in the docker-compose.yml file
copy ./template_cfg.json ./gulp_cfg.json
# bring up the full stack of services
docker compose --profile full up -d

‍also, on first run, database must be initialized first:

# 1. brings up the full stack of services except gulp
docker compose up -d
# 2. run gulp only, telling it to reset/create elasticsearch index "testidx" and collaboration database
EXTRA_ARGS="--reset-collab --reset-elastic testidx" docker compose up gulp