No Matches
Install From Sources

1. prerequisites

the following should be done only first time.

1. install OS dependencies

this depends on your OS, on EndeavourOS(arch):

# ensure python is at least 3.12
sudo pacman -S rust python docker docker-compose docker-buildx jq libpqxx git-lfs

2. clone repositories

mkdir ./repos && cd ./repos
git clone https://github.com/mentat-is/muty-python.git
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/mentat-is/gulp.git
# note: git-lfs is used to track samples and .zip files in test_scripts

4. create and enter virtualenv

cd ./repos/gulp
python3 -m venv ./.venv
source ./.venv/bin/activate

5. prepare directories and configuration

# create configuration directory
mkdir -p ~/.config/gulp
# copy template configuration, edit it in case
cd ./repos/gulp
copy ./template_cfg.json ~/.config/gulp_cfg.json
# ensure data directories for postgresql and opensearch exists and are owned by the current user (NON ROOT)
mkdir ./opensearch_data1
mkdir ./opensearch_data2
mkdir ./opensearch_data3
mkdir ./postgres_data

2. dev install

install all packages as editable

# install all packages as editable (-e)
cd ./repos/gulp
pip3 install -U -e . && pip3 install -U -e ../muty-python

3. run

cd ./repos/gulp
# start postgresql and opensearch
# docker compose down
docker compose up -d
# run gulp (FIRST TIME ONLY: initialize collaboration database and opensearch index with "--reset-collab --reset-elastic testidx")
gulp --bind-to 8080 --reset-collab --reset-elastic testidx
# otherwise just run gulp --bind-to 8080

1. test

# check it ingests 98630 events (i.e. using elasticvue)
cd ./repos/gulp
TEST_WS_ID=abc ./test_scripts/test_ingest.sh -p ./samples/win_evtx

4. troubleshoot
