No Matches
Testing Plugins


Testing plugins can be achieved by 2 methods, the simplest is to just use the plugin via the GUI and check data is being ingested and treated correcly, the second way is to use the test_ingest.sh, a simple bash script which user curl to perform ingestion onto the host.


Here's the -h output of the test_ingest.sh script:

ingest SINGLE file, zipfile or directory in GULP.
usage: ./test_scripts/test_ingest.sh -p <path/to/file/zipfile/directory> [-l to test raw ingestion, -p is ignored]
[-q to use the given req_id] [-o <offset> to start file transfer at offset, ignored for raw]
[-f to filter during ingestion (TEST_INGESTION_FILTER json env variable is used if set)]
[-i to use ingest_zip_simple instead of ingest_zip for zip file (hardcoded win_evtx plugin, *.evtx mask)]
[-x to reset collaboration/elasticsearch first]
host,operation,context,client_id,plugin,index,user,password are set respectively to "localhost:8080", 1 (test operation), "testcontext", 1 (test client), "win_evtx", "testidx", "ingest", "ingest".
most of the parameters can be changed via environment variables:
a token can also be provided to avoid login via environment variable TEST_TOKEN.


Here are a few examples on how to use the test_ingest.sh script.

win_evtx plugin

Source: win_evtx.py

TEST_WS_ID="websocket_id" TEST_PLUGIN=win_evtx ./test_scripts/test_ingest.sh -p samples/win_evtx

win_reg plugin

Source: win_reg.py

TEST_WS_ID="websocket_id" TEST_PLUGIN=win_reg ./test_scripts/test_ingest.sh -p samples/win_reg

apache_access_clf plugin

Source: apache_access_clf.py

TEST_WS_ID="websocket_id" TEST_PLUGIN=apache_access_clf ./test_scripts/test_ingest.sh -p samples/apache_access_clf/access.log.sample

apache_error_clf plugin

Source: apache_error_clf.py

TEST_WS_ID="websocket_id" TEST_PLUGIN=apache_error_clf ./test_scripts/test_ingest.sh -p samples/apache_error_clf/error.log

chrome_history_sqlite_stacked plugin

Source: chrome_history_sqlite_stacked.py

TEST_WS_ID="websocket_id" TEST_PLUGIN=chrome_history_sqlite_stacked ./test_scripts/test_ingest.sh -p $HOME/.config/chromium/Profile\ 1/History

chrome_webdata_sqlite_stacked plugin

Source: chrome_webdata_sqlite_stacked.py

TEST_WS_ID="websocket_id" TEST_PLUGIN=chrome_webdata_sqlite_stacked ./test_scripts/test_ingest.sh -p $HOME/.config/chromium/Profile\ 1/Web\ Data

eml plugin

Source: eml.py

TEST_WS_ID="websocket_id" TEST_PLUGIN=eml ./test_scripts/test_ingest.sh -p samples/eml/

This plugin supports the following options:

  • decode: if set to True it automatically decodes multipart eml messages (e.g. base64, etc)

mbox plugin

Source: mbox.py

TEST_WS_ID="websocket_id" TEST_PLUGIN=mbox ./test_scripts/test_ingest.sh -p samples/mbox/

This plugin supports the same options as the eml plugin.

teamviewer_regex_stacked plugin

Source: teamviewer_regex_stacked.py

TEST_WS_ID="websocket_id" TEST_PLUGIN=teamviewer_regex_stacked ./test_scripts/test_ingest.sh -p samples/teamviwer/connections_incoming.txt

regex plugin

Source: regex.py

TEST_WS_ID="websocket_id" TEST_PLUGIN_PARAMS='{"extra":{"regex":"(?P<test>.*)-(?P<timestamp>.*)"}}' TEST_PLUGIN=regex ./test_scripts/test_ingest.sh -x -p samples/regex/test.sample

This plugin requires the following options to be set in order to work:

  • regex: the regex to match
  • flags: regex flags to apply (refer to flags for the values)

The regex parameter must satisfy the following requirements:

  • must contain named groups
  • must contain one named group named timestamp (case-sensitive)

systemd_journal plugin

Source: systemd_journal.py TODO

csv plugin

Source: csv.py TODO

sqlite plugin

Source: sqlite.py TODO